Removing the Spiritual blindness, of today’s Christianity


At Ozeternity, we are committed to remove the poverty of the spirit (Matthew 5:3) from all religious Christians, where for more than 2,000 years are living as Bartimeaus, (Mark 10:46-52), practicing religion, instead of righteousness.

  Matthew 5:3 Complete Jewish Bible

 “How blessed are the poor in spirit!
    for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

 (Mark 10:46-50) Complete Jewish Bible

 46 They came to Yericho; and as Yeshua was leaving Yericho with his talmidim and a great crowd, a blind beggar, Bar-Timai (son of Timai), was sitting by the side of the road. 

47 When he heard that it was Yeshua from Natzeret, he started shouting, “Yeshua! Son of David! Have pity on me!” 

48 Many people scolded him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the louder, “Son of David! Have pity on me!” 

49 Yeshua stopped and said, “Call him over!” They called to the blind man, “Courage! Get up! He’s calling for you!” 

50 Throwing down his blanket, he jumped up and came over to Yeshua


You can start it by Just attending to one of our next meetings, listed in our website.

 Sanctification is the process of removing your religious blindness, developed by your religious upbringing.

In 2 Peter 1:5-11, you will find, the process of transformation of the hearth according to it. Therefore, you need to start, by restoring your current condition of separation from the God of Creation, to fulfil the purpose for which you were created, we will help you to fulfil the following steps for it:

Reconciliation. The action of being rescued from the current condition of eternal separation from God; The entry point to enjoy the work of the Holy Spirit, that will help you with understanding the God of Creation.  (Philippians 4:6-7), (Romans 3:19-26) This is the entry point to the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Salvation. The transformation of your soul, as the product of the wok of the Holy Spirit, changing your sinful and wicked hearth, and help you grow in relationship with our God, our creator.     

(2 Peter 1:5-11), (John 14:6-8) (Romans 1 :18-21).

     Redemption. It is not the gaining of a position by what you do, rather as something received form the grace of God himself, in reward, for the transformation of your soul, with that, what was paid in full by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

     As a total submission to God’s will(John 17:1-5), (Hebrews 12:14), (Galatians 5:22-26).

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The word Life has only two meanings: Physical and Spiritual.

The physical life, describes the existence of the colocation of atoms plus water, to form your human body in your mother’s womb, hat what starts when you are conceived, to become born to this world.

The spiritual life, refers to the part of the human being, that cannot be measured with any device developed yet by human beings.

The only revelation of this truth is found in the Bible, (John 3:3-8)

Our mission is to help you build, a closer relationship with the God of Creation trough the Eternal Gospel, at the same time start building a Fellowship with Him.

“This is the mission of the Great commission” left by Jesus Christ to his future followers like you and me:

Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:14-18, Luke 24: 44-49, John 20:19-23, Acts 1:8

 Romans 10:14-15, Ephesians 6:10-18

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God the Creator has left us two books of revelation by which we should learn and know Him:

·         The book called bible; to learn about his will and purpose.

·         The book of creation: to learn more about his power.


At Oz eternity you will have a chance to find out the truth, by exploring by yourself, the many translated information included in the Bible, because it appears that the religious people that is supposed to explain the meaning of the Bible applied to today’s reality, has only learn to repeat the translated texts, addressed to an audience of more than 2,000 years ago.


Fortunately, curiosity about the creation started by the early Christian scientists, developing later a vast number of devices to observe the most diminutive parts of creation on Earth to confirm a mind of a creator, by discovering the Orden, the purpose, and the measurability of everything that exists, enabling us to understand the physical existence of today’s reality.